The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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We have a school uniform at Salmestone which we require children to wear at all times.

The uniform is practical and comfortable and gives the children a sense of belonging to the school.

With the exception of our tie, jumpers/cardigans and blue skirts much of our uniform can be purchased from high street stores.

Our branded school uniform is available to purchase at The Schoolwear Centre in Margate 

Our Uniform (Nursery & Years R- 4)
  • Dark grey or black trousers, shorts or skirt or Salmestone royal blue kilt
  • Salmestone branded royal blue school jumper or cardigan
  • White polo t-shirt
  • White, grey or black tights or socks
  • Black shoes
  • Optional - blue and white checked summer dress 
Our P.E Kit
  • Black shorts and/or tracksuit bottoms
  • White t-shirt with Salmestone logo or plain white t-shirt
  • Trainers
  • Optional- Salmestone branded blue hooded sweatshirt (these are only for use on P.E days)
Our Uniform (Years 5 & 6)
  • Dark grey or black trousers, shorts or skirt or Salmestone royal blue kilt
  • Salmestone branded royal blue school jumper or cardigan
  • White button through shirt
  • Salmestone blue striped school tie
  • White, grey or black tights or socks
  • Black shoes
  • Optional - blue and white checked summer dress

P.E ready days

At Salmestone we have designated 'P.E ready days', where children come to school in their P.E kit and remain in this all day.
Please note these are the only days that the blue Salmestone hoodie is allowed to be worn.

Normal school jumpers or cardigans are expected for the rest of the week.P.E days for each year group are:

  • Children in Years 1 will need to wear P.E kits to school on Thursday each week
  • Children in Year 2 will need to wear P.E kits to school on a Friday each week
  • Children in Years 3 & 4 will need to wear P.E kits to school on Monday each week
  • Children in Years 5 & 6 will need to wear P.E kits to school on Wednesday each week
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Please find below a copy of the letter sent home when our uniform changes were made:

Uniform letter 2022/23