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At Salmestone we believe that reading should be at the very heart of the English curriculum.

Our English curriculum exposes our children to a wide range of genres & authors and our teachers make links with subjects to ensure that children are exposed to a wide range of viewpoints and cultures. 

Our consistent and rigorous approach to teaching the skill of reading, provides children with a solid foundation to become enthused, excited and confident readers with a passion for storytelling, literature and vocabulary. Generating a long-lasting love of books and an affinity with quality texts is key to our approach.

With this in mind, we have adopted a ‘Text-Based English Curriculum’, where all aspects of English teaching and learning centre around carefully chosen texts each term (including fiction, non-fiction and poetry). These act as the ‘stimulus’ to teach pupils to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions effectively.

Having engaging and challenging core texts allows pupils to develop a love of literature and read for enjoyment. Ensuring all pupils develop the skills of language is essential, not only in order to access the rest of the curriculum, but also to participate fully within society as educated citizens.

Reading as an integral part of the English curriculum

The intention of embedding reading within our English curriculum offer at Salmestone is to give children the skills they need to become lifelong learners; communicate with the world around them and allow them to experience wider opportunities.

We intend to develop the skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, including all essential skills which will allow all children to organise and express their thoughts and access the knowledge and ideas of others.  

We believe that every child will have the tools to:  

  • Confidently read a wide variety of texts.  
  • Transfer skills from spelling into writing.  
  • Make improvements to their writing. 
  • Make links between reading and writing. 
  • Learn in a literacy-rich environment. 

Daily Reading Practise

Daily Reading Practise is timetabled for 30 minutes each day and allows pupils to read their book independently, take an Accelerated Reader quiz or for classes to visit the school library.

During this time, class teachers and supporting adults will listen to pupils read on a 1:1 basis and discuss developmental targets on how children can improve.

This time is also designed to give pupils the opportunity to take AR quizzes and for whole classes to visit the whole-school library. 

Home Reading Expectations

Our expectation at Salmestone is that children read for 20 minutes after school each day and that reading records are signed and returned to school on a daily basis.

Children can read either their Accelerated Reading book, RWI book or any other chosen reading material that they would like to enjoy.